
Mildred Hurley, the "Southern Gardener" and a board member of the Moross Greenway Project, was the guest speaker at the July 27 luncheon meeting of Rotary of Grosse Pointe, held at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial. She was introduced by President Fred Ollison III, above. Hurley told Rotarians that the project to plant flower beds in the seven islands west of St. John Hospital in the Moross Road boulevard is finally moving forward with the awarding of the landscaping contract to Backer Landscaping, the winning bidder. Backer currently maintains the St. John flower beds on Moross, making the landscaping company a good fit for the project, Hurley said. The beds will be planted with native Michigan perennials so they will withstand the northern climate and require minimal maintenance. She said work should begin within a few weeks. So far the Moross Greenway Project and board, headed by Honorary Chairs Lois and Gail Warden and Sally and Bill Shelden, has raised $450,000 of the $600,000 required. Maintenance, though minimal, will require ongoing fundraising as well, Hurley said. For more information, go to Photo by John Minnis