Today was Interact Club Day.  The officers from Grosse Pointe South Interact not only presented their accomplishments for the year but ran the meeting as well. President Julianna Joseph, Vice President Elliott Gunnell, Secretary Wyatt Dennis and Treasurer Evan Nguyen
The Board decided to reduce the number of projects this year with the focus on quality over quantity.  Activities that they participated in included: 
Earthworks Urban Farm
Moross Greenway Project – 2 times
Gleaners – 3 times
SOC – fall clean-up & card making
Kids Against Hunger
Lunches + Love
SOAR Tutoring
Polio Awareness Drive
Small projects -- Arts & Scraps, library book sale tear downs, and Angel Tree.
The Club consists of 127 students, with an estimated 30 active members. They meet weekly on Thursdays.
George McMullen, the Club liaison, thanked Kevin Cox for all he does and has done in his 10 years as the teacher advisor and Richard Yeager-Stiver for his continued support.  He told of all that the underclassmen officers are achieving and the colleges that the seniors will be attending (Julianna – Oakland and Evan – Wayne State).