Dean Dauphinais – Families Against Narcotics and Angel Program
Mr. Dauphinais’s son has been in treatment 9 times, with his longest recovery time being two years, and he is currently 31 days clean. His addiction started at age 15, when he started to self-medicate his depression, escalating from marijuana to heroin.
Families Against Narcotics was formed in 2007 and is a grassroots organization, based in Macomb County, that continues to educate individuals, school personnel, and law enforcement about the dangers of drug use and addiction. Mr. Dauphinais joined FAN four years ago and is now its operations and communications manager.
One of its programs is Hope Not Handcuffs, where participating law enforcement agencies allow those seeking drug addiction help to walk in their lobby, ask for it, and FAN will be contacted. A “volunteer angel” will meet the individual and, through FAN, begin the treatment process for them. All of the Grosse Pointes participate in the program. A Common Perspective on Vimeo.
Volunteer Angels are needed and there is a virtual training session scheduled for 9/11 at 6:30pm. Information about this and other FAN programs can be found at