In 2005, Mr. Dyament left the automotive work world to run his own business. He combined his marketing skills with his love of science to open a Foot Solutions franchise in St. Clair Shores.
The human foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, 100+ tendons, muscles, and ligaments, and hundreds of thousands of nerve endings. This can all lead to foot problems. Women are 4x as likely to encounter pain due to the types of shoes they wear and ill-fitting footwear cause 7 out of every 10 problems.
Pedorthics is the management and treatment of conditions of the foot, ankle, and lower extremities requiring the fitting, fabricating, and adjusting of pedorthic devices. As a pedorthist, he helps patients with shoe selection for fit and function. He assesses high/low arch, flexible/rigid foot, deformities, and AFOs (ankle foot orthosis). He considers himself a pharmacist of the foot, helping the patient prevent or reduce painful or disabling conditions of the foot and ankle.
Mr. Dyament modifies shoes by stretching or providing wedges and lifts. He also designs, fabricates, and adjusts orthotics (special shoe or heal inserts). Common foot issues include plantar fasciitis (heal pain), tendonitis, and metatarsalgia (pain at the ball of the foot).
When buying shoes, Mr. Dyament recommends that the purchaser be up and moving 4-8 hours before shopping, that both feet be measured, allow for some heel slip, and that you wear the shoes for at least 8 minutes. Expect to pay at least $130 for a decent walking/running shoe. He can be contacted at (586) 552-3668 or at