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Community Affairs Committee
Co-Chairs: Bob Lucas/Steve Cornillie/Doris Neal;
The Community Affairs Committee develops service projects in which our members participate to improve the quality of life for citizens of our local community of Grosse Pointe and the Detroit area.  Grosse Pointe Rotarians normally organize and do as many as 12 projects each year.  
Vocational Service Committee
Chairperson: Irena Politano;
The Vocational Service Award is presented to a deserving individual or company, or organization who put service above self and who have implemented policies, demonstrated compassion and/or other exemplary treatment of employees, customers, or the public they serve.
The award is presented twice a year or more. Nominations are sought from club members and the community.
Scholarship Committee
Chairperson: Mark Weber;
The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to present first year college scholarships to deserving students graduating from Grosse Pointe North and South High Schools.  The scholarships are in honor of Frank J. Sladen Jr. who for more than 40 years devoted his time and talents to the ideals of Rotary.
South High School Interact Club & RYLA
Co-Chairs: Lee Johnson;
GP Rotary has partnered with the Grosse Pointe Public School system and sponsored this school service club at Grosse Pointe South for many years in order to introduce the students to Rotary’s beliefs and the concept of “service above self.” We assist students in choosing, leading and organizing community service projects, and thereby fostering leadership skills in managing their club. We also sponsor several students to attend RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership awards) in the fall that develops attendee’s skills as future leaders while having fun and making lifetime connections.
Rotarpointe Committee
Chairperson: Mark Brooks;
To continue to provide a record of weekly Rotary meetings and Rotary club and district events.
Roving Reporter Committee
Chairperson: John Mozena;
The purpose of this committee is to obtain information prior to each meeting from the attending members containing any news they wish to divulge to other members.
Communications Committee
Chairperson: Heather Mayernik;
To enhance communication within our group and increase exposure within our community.
Youth Exchange Committee
Chairperson: Dave Colton;
Living abroad for a year as an exchange student can be a priceless and life changing experience and our Rotary Club has a long history of hosting exchange students from all over the world.  Rotary Youth Exchange provides young adults with incredible REAL life preparation and our club is dedicated to making their exchange safe and personally rewarding.  The benefits are felt by the students, the host families and our club. 
International Service Committee
Co-Chairs: Kim Towar;
The Grosse Pointe Rotary International Committee finds international humanitarian projects to financially support thru direct requests or thru other Rotary Clubs.
The Rotary International Foundation Committee
Chairperson: Kim Towar;
The goal of this committee is to promote and encourage continuing support of the Rotary Foundation through education and personal appeal. We also manage the Club’s participation in Global Scholarships and Vocational Training Teams. The Rotary Foundation is dedicated to six areas of focus to build international relationships, improve lives and create a better world to support our peace efforts and to end polio forever. The six areas of focus are Promoting Peace, Fighting Disease, Providing Clean Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Maternal and Child Health, Education and Growing Local Economies. 
Hospitality Committee
Co-Chairs: Dean Valente, Dio Rockers;
The goal of the Committee is to make everyone who attends our meetings feel welcome and glad about attending and that we are glad they have come.
Programs Committee
Chairpersons: Rebecca Fannon;
Our goal for this Rotary year is to provide the Club with interesting and topical presentations concerning our local and regional communities and to emphasize the avenues of service that are the focus of Rotary International this year.
Invocation Committee
Chairperson: Rev. Susan Mozena;
The purpose of the Invocation Committee is to assure that each meeting has someone assigned to provide an appropriate invocation.  
Sunshine News Committee
Co-Chairs: Jackie Dale;
Notify club members of illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths of members.  Send get well, sympathy and “thinking of you” cards. Send flowers to hospitalized members. Make follow-up calls to ill members and/or their families and when possible make visits to these members.  Send sympathy cards to deceased members’ families. Contact families of deceased members to determine whether or not they wish to display the rotary banner at the funeral home and to determine where they wish the $75 Rotary stipend directed: towards flowers, to the Rotary Foundation in the name of the deceased member or to the charity of their choice.
Membership Committee
Co-Chairs: John Mozena, Judy Masserang;
The purpose of the membership committee is to attract new members, mentor newer members and retain existing members.
Fundraising Committee
Chairperson: Eva Habib;
To raise money to further our Rotary giving in our community and beyond. To engage our members and expand their personal horizons by offering new events and hopefully make new connections with other members.
Fellowship Committee
Chairperson: Cissie Cappola;
Our periodic fellowship events (often held in lieu of regular meetings) offer our members a great opportunity to get to know each other at a higher level. Our desire is to strengthen our Rotary friendships through fellowship, valuable conversations and great food. The committee is responsible for planning, promoting and executing these events.
Past Presidents Committee
Chairperson: Mark Cory;
The committee will meet in October or November to assemble a slate of candidates to fill the open positions on the Club and Foundation Boards of Directors and to select a President-Nominee for election.
Progressive Dinner 
Chairperson: Lisa Gandelot;
Organizes and promotes annual event for members and guests.
Ad Hoc Recruitment & Retention
Chairperson: Mark Cory    Special Advisor: John Mozena;
This committee will develop and implement strategies for proactively recruiting new Club members, while striving to engage and retain current members.
Youth Exchange “Host Family Acquisition” 
Co-Chairs: Susan Mozena;
This committee will identify and acclimate up to three host families for each inbound exchange student sponsored by our Club.